is a non-profit data security project that specializes in ultimate encryption technology. Standard encryption technology is heavily promoted by a couple of governments and it appears to be obvious that these bodies cannot promote "the real stuff". Polymorphic Encryption Technology was developed by C.B. Roellgen in 1999 at which time it was immediately seized by the German Government and classified as a State Secret. The goal is to create unbreakable symmetric and asymmetric ciphers. The latest invention, the quantum computer-proof public key exchange named after the inventors Roellgen, Vogel and Brands (RVB), enables for asymmetric encryption with long-term security as well as for the best possible personal data encryption using "Electronic Identities". Our work has inspired the authors Neal Purvis, Robert Wade and John Logan for the bond movie "Skyfall". The "He Hacked Us" scene is at 1h:28m:12s: Software based on our technology has so far been featured in over a dozen periodicals, and over 8 million copies of a Disk Encryption Software using a Polymorphic Cipher have been distributed worldwide.
Source code provided on this website can be used free of charge for any peaceful purpose. It is the right time that a community of developers joins forces to create next generation data communication software. More technical information about this project is available at the website from Gilbert Brands: